Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tale As Old As Time

One of Emrie's very favorite movies is Beauty and the Beast and she has got the song down...we usually have to sing it or one of her other favorites before bed. She's also very fond of Tarzan and Tangled and has those songs down too. I finally got her singing the whole song on tape. I love how she says "unexpectedly". Cracks me up!
She also recently learned how to get 2 fingers up for her age and tells everyone she sees that she is 2.


sean & shirley said...

She is so cute!!! Can't wait to see those 2 darlings!

Jason & Makenna said...

That is soooo hilarious Jay! What a cutie! You should send it into disney. I think they have a video contest or something for tickets. :)

Jayte Boehler said...

Jaylynn that is soooo stinkin cute! McKinley was smiling and saying how cute she was! That is Kinley's favorite thing to do these days too. Sing and dance. :) I wished we lived closer so they could be friends. Miss ya.:) ~Lana

The Jackson Jamboree said...

Molly likes how she says "unexpectedly" too. haha how cute. "I want to see Emrie" What a goof. She'll be so excited for her doll!!

Rochelle said...

She is so stinking cute. Yeah, Mak is right. you should send it to Disney. So cute!