Thursday, November 3, 2011


It was a fun Halloween this year. Emrie understood it more and that made it fun. She was so excited to carve the pumpkin, after watching daddy she got in there and helped him a bit...and we're going through a pretty faze where she has to be in a dress while at home, so she helped in her tutu dress.

I thought it was funny, she'd hold her tongue out while she pulled out the chunks that were cut.

Molly was a black cat this year. She was so cuddly in her outfit. Little sad it was so cold she had to be wrapped in a big blanket and couldn't really be out in it. And little side note: this is the first time I've really done a pattern on my own, besides simple little shorts and I was pretty proud of myself.

Emrie cheesin' it...she was a little witch, so cute :D

Can't believe how old she's getting. She got to where when the door opened she would say..."Get a treat" instead of trick or treat and open her bag.And...this isn't Halloweeny but Emrie loves to dance with this puppet from a library book box we have checked out which also came with a Wiggles DVD and so now she's on a Wiggles fix...oh dear, Chad and I sing those songs in our sleep...they drive you crazy's a miracle! I can now fix Emrie's hair a little, I can do a little french braid on the top, or the other day I got 3 cornrows on her...SOOOOO Excited!


Rochelle said...

So adorable! Molly is so beautiful (and so is Emrie of course!) What a great job you did on the outfits. Love your bangs by-the-way!

The Jackson Jamboree said...

How cute! Emrie is such a spaz haha
Good job on the outfits!!! They're both growing up so fast!

sean & shirley said...

Sooo Cute!!

Jill said...

Your girls are so cute Jay! and you are so talented!