Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our Season thus far

Ward Christmas Party was a lot of fun...Emrie did sit on Santa's lap...she was so scared of Santa a month ago when we tried to get her to see him...then at the mall one day Santa was right by the playground and he came over and talked to the few kids who were there (Emrie included) and said something to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead..she was SO excited...and since then she loves sweet, that one Santa made all the difference.

My two girls...aren't they adorable in their Christmas clothes! Molly loves the tree...she rolls herself over under it no matter where you start her in the room and will lay under there just touching the bottom branches forever.

Last Saturday they had a free Christmas thing for kids with cookies and they made ornaments and listened to a story from Mrs. Claus and saw was really neat. After they saw santa they got to pick out of a box a toy...Emrie picked a stuffed dinosaur and we got molly a stuffed Critter with dangly legs...she likes it a lot.

Then there was the lights was really neat. Emrie really liked it. Tons of floats decorated in lights. The people walking in the parade were handing out candy and little kids had stockings and santa hats for their candy bags.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tale As Old As Time

One of Emrie's very favorite movies is Beauty and the Beast and she has got the song down...we usually have to sing it or one of her other favorites before bed. She's also very fond of Tarzan and Tangled and has those songs down too. I finally got her singing the whole song on tape. I love how she says "unexpectedly". Cracks me up!
She also recently learned how to get 2 fingers up for her age and tells everyone she sees that she is 2.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


It was a fun Halloween this year. Emrie understood it more and that made it fun. She was so excited to carve the pumpkin, after watching daddy she got in there and helped him a bit...and we're going through a pretty faze where she has to be in a dress while at home, so she helped in her tutu dress.

I thought it was funny, she'd hold her tongue out while she pulled out the chunks that were cut.

Molly was a black cat this year. She was so cuddly in her outfit. Little sad it was so cold she had to be wrapped in a big blanket and couldn't really be out in it. And little side note: this is the first time I've really done a pattern on my own, besides simple little shorts and I was pretty proud of myself.

Emrie cheesin' it...she was a little witch, so cute :D

Can't believe how old she's getting. She got to where when the door opened she would say..."Get a treat" instead of trick or treat and open her bag.And...this isn't Halloweeny but Emrie loves to dance with this puppet from a library book box we have checked out which also came with a Wiggles DVD and so now she's on a Wiggles fix...oh dear, Chad and I sing those songs in our sleep...they drive you crazy's a miracle! I can now fix Emrie's hair a little, I can do a little french braid on the top, or the other day I got 3 cornrows on her...SOOOOO Excited!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This last weekend we went to a community Fall Festival. There was a little hay maze, petting zoo and crafts.

I had gotten a couple costumes for Emrie last year after Halloween, so we decided to use the Alice in Wonderland for this event so she wouldn't get the other one for Halloween dirty. We improvised and threw together a white rabbit for Molly.Here are the 2 girls together. You can definitely tell they are sisters. Emrie is constantly bringing me the camera saying: I wanna smile

Oh! And Emrie is now POTTY TRAINED! Though I wouldn't know from her peeing in her high chair last night and all over the floor. Potty training sure is stressful. It took going nude and house-arrest for a couple days, then a couple weeks constantly on top of her, but she does pretty good now. Still in a diaper at night though.

And the little bug...she is now a rolling machine. To belly then back over and over. She is also trying hard to sit up on her own...Daddy isn't helping her slow down either. He does his sitting up excercises with her everyday.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Vacation and Re-purposing

Emrie, Molly and I went to Gilbert for a whole week just last week to see my sister Rochelle who was visiting also. Chad sadly couldn't come since he was so busy with school and work but we still had some fun. I got to stay with my in-laws for a couple days and Rochelle at my Grandma's house for some of the week which was really nice. Here's the kids. Emrie, Molly, Lincoln (rochelle's newest- he's a month younger than molly), and Elijah.
She is getting so talkative. She also worked very hard the day before yesterday trying to roll over. She was so so persistant and would not lay still, just grunting trying to get over, and that night she finally did it, all on her own! She's also started trying to sit up wherever you put her, even in her little bathtub. She just wants to grow up fast I guess.

Superstition Mall does a Kids Club every Thursday at 10 for free with music and the kids get a free Merry-Go-Round ride. Here's Emrie with her clown nose on...she loved that thing.

Lots of swimming in Grandma's backyard. Kids eating their popsicles, Emrie kinda looks like one of the boys with her shirt off....So sad, that poor hair :D

The day I left we went to Chandler Aquatic Center and played. It was perfect temperature all around. So Fun!

Soooo....remember when I made some leggings for Emrie out of a long sleeve shirt a bought at old navy for $0.50? Well I just used the arms, so I had the whole body of the shirt to do something with. Well I found this post www.makeit-loveit/2010/05/re-purposing-shirts-to-skirt-with-tie.html and decided to go for it. It only took a couple hours :D

I also got out my little curling iron and curled Emries hair :D ha ha...Makes her look more like a girl for sure, what do you think?? Of course it's back straight by lunch no matter what product I put in it.

I'm itching to decide what else to make...since I still have 12 more shirts all different colors and stripes. If you have any suggestions let me know!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Festivals and Fairs

So we've been able to do a couple fun things these last few weeks. There was an annual kids music and arts festival in the park for free here which Emrie loved! You could pay $3 for a wristband for them to have unlimited train rides and bounce house time, which we did. Here's daddy and Emrie on the train.
Molly was such a good sport for us. We were there for like 3 or so hours and she was happy the whole time...of course it helps that it was a nice day with a cool breeze and Lots of shade.

Emrie loved the bounce houses. What kid doesn't.

They had face painting, streamers and hoola hoops, toy instruments they could play, puppet making, painting, and balloon animals. Emrie had so much fun.

We also celebrated Chad's 27th birthday! He's getting up there :D He'd requested Chocolate Molten Cake (like at chilis) so I made little individual ones and they turned out very yummy!

And I forgot to post, but we also celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary! Can't believe we've been married for 5 years!

Labor day weekend we had the county fair, and I have to say county fairs are way better than state fairs. We saw all the animals:

Molly playing with her feet (she's been trying so hard to roll over the past couple days).

Bounce house slide. Man, emrie would come zooming down this thing. The second time she came down she goes "Wow!! That's FUN!" ha ha

And the carnival. We decided to go on a ride each, so we took turns watching the kids and went on the ship ride and then took Emrie on a ride.

It was a lot of fun. They had the Kent Family Circus that performed in the middle of the fair grounds and a variety show later that night that performed. Can't wait for next year.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Trip to the Valley

Kara came into town and haven't seen her in almost a year so we had to go down while she was there. I am really bad with remembering to take pictures so we didn't get any together :( But here are a couple we got of the kids:

Yes, her cheeks now sag and they look hilarious I think...there's a little more to kiss on now :D

We took Emrie to Tempe splash pad and she loved it. It's free and really neat actually

Thought this was pretty funny, the kids in fire hats playing with the car. You can tell it's hot outside they all have sweaty heads

And at the mall play area. They all got in this tube and sat there together, first time they saw each other. They were pretty excited to be together.

It's so fun to go visit family. Can't wait to go again and it was really nice to see and spend time with Kara. Can't wait till we're all together for Christmas!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Baby, July 4th and Blessing

We went to Gilbert for the past week and it was a lot of fun. Makenna helped me get some pictures of Molly finally since i keep forgetting and these are my favorites.

We went to Kyle and Sherry's for 4th of July and had a fabulous dinner topped with homemade icecream. YUMMY. I really want an icecream maker.

We also did Molly's baby blessing while we were there. We had it at the Andersen's with all the family and it was really really nice. I decided a couple months before I had her that I wanted to crochet her dress, but wanted it pretty. Sometimes crocheted clothes can look kinda funny. But I was really really happy with how it turned out.

I decided I wanted the ribbon in it to be a color instead of plain white, so I did some lavender ribbon to highlight it.

I need to get some better pictures of her in it before she gets too big. It was overall a really nice get away, and really nice to spend time with family.