Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sedona, Family and Knitting

Yes, it's been a very long time... but here are a few things we've been up to. October we experienced a fall changing colors for the first time for me in 7 years!!! I know I can't believe I've been in Arizona for that long. But the colors were beautiful! We took a little drive to Sedona and it was gorgeous. A canopy of green trees the entire way. Below is Chad and Emrie at Sedona. It really was pretty. It was a little rainy, but it created a mist in the mountains that was pretty.

We also went down to Gilbert for Halloween but of course we didn't take any pictures...I know awful huh. Didn't even get one of Emrie in her costume :(

This last weekend Makenna, Jason and their two boys came to visit and stay with us. It was so much fun and Emrie LOVED having the boys (especially Graham) there. We'll say that Movie time for her is already Kissing and cuddling time! She wouldn't leave graham alone. It was pretty cute and Makenna got alot of really good pictures, again we were slackers with the camera.

It has turned cold here, and the other night to get out of the house we went on a walk and had to all bundle up. Here's Emrie in her winter getup. She's makes a pretty cute marshmellow!

Now, I have been trying to keep busy and it's come down to knitting knitting knitting. I decided to teach myself and picked it up. Might as well make some winter gear to save money if I'm just at home right? So here's a couple things I've made so far.

My hands aren't the most flattering thing, but oh well. I need to add buttons to the hand warmers or something and I really want to learn how to do those head wraps/bands for your ears that are cute and a rufflie scarf, but I'm having trouble finding a scarf pattern I like. If anyone knows of one let me know!


Jake, Tayli, Jayli, Kynli & Charli said...

Way cute Jay! I wish I knew how to knit. You're so creative. Emerie is a doll. I love her little smile.

Jill said...

Cute pics!! I can't believe you taught yourself to knit...I need to do something cool like that. :) Glad to see you're doing good!

Lana Boehler said...

Emrie is so Cute. I wish i knew how to knit. so i could make cute hats like that for Kinley. Hope all is well with you.:)

The Jackson Jamboree said...

Oh Jay! Emrie's SO cute! Her eyes! And all your knitting! You're amazing! the hand warmers! and the beanie with the fancy braided design! wow!!

Rochelle said...

I am terrible at crocheting and knitting would be a disaster. You are so good Jay! So talented! Emrie is a doll.

sean & shirley said...

You really need to sell these. You are so talented. I am amazed that you can just sit down and "whip it up" And your Model is adodrable!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so crafty!! I am glad you had some fun visitors, sounds like things are going well for you guys! I cant believe you have been in arizona for 7 years, time flies!

Lauren Kay said...

You are so talented Jay, You need to start a business!