Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I have had the worst sinus everything for the past week. It started with an innocent cough the week before then moved into sinuses. I have never had it to where my teeth actually ache before. So, my eyes, cheek bones, bridge of nose, temples, teeth, and jaw ached...and then I had an awful headache to top it off. And when you are woken up 3-4 times during the night and working all day it doesn't get any better. So last night I finally pumped a bottle and went to bed early while Chad did the night routine, which allowed me 5 hours in a row of sleep before the first wake-up call! It was Fabulous!!!! And I finally have relief. I feel so much better! Which is a great blessing, because I was about to break.
So now I can enjoy the Bachelor tonight and get a "how to" on those flowers for Aunt Cindy posted! Yeah!!!


cindyrella said...

happy to hear you are feeling better! ugh!!!!
standing by for the tutorial :-)

cindyrella said...

Jay - THANKS for that website! I am saving it as a favorite!! now i think i need to take a day off to play!!