Sunday, March 8, 2009

Puzzle Trouble

Yeah, we have accomplished a time consuming project! We started on this puzzle a long time ago and put it away because it was so tedious. Then a few weeks ago we decided to pull it out again for a date night and have had it out since, slowly working on it a little at a time. We finally finished it Thursday night and it was SOOO exciting! It looks pretty cool too. It's one of those photomosiac puzzles where it's tons of little pictures that make up the big picture. So here's a view of the finished product along with close ups so you can see all the little pictures inside. We wanted to get a bunch of these disney ones to hang up in a playroom someday, but after the time it took to do this one, I don't know, it could be a long project :D But I must say the success feels sweet :D

1 comment:

Mary Kay said...

That looks pretty hard. I've never seen a puzzle like that.