We got a little clip to stay in Emrie's hair this past week and I thought it looked cute. Makes her look like a little girl now. You'll have to ignore the eye. She had a swollen eye for 2 weeks that accompanied her being very sick, it was a huge frustrating ordeal, but it's not swollen anymore, even though we only had a couple days on non-sickness...seems like she's starting up again with another bug :( I hate having sick kids :(

Rochelle and Elijah came to visit Saturday-Tuesday. My parents were here for Saturday also. It was really a lot of fun to have company. Elijah and Emrie for the most part ran around the house squeeling and laughing. They had a lot of fun.
Here they are in thier Sunday best:

Relaxing while watching a movie.

Playing at the park.

Every morning they were here and Emrie would wake up the first thing she would say is "Where's Jijah?" Over and over till we let her out to see him. And even though they left yesterday morning she asked me several times throughout the day yesterday and she asked me again this morning. It's going to be fun for her to have a sibling to play with all the time :D