Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ribbon Store Here I Come!!

Well, it's been a week since we found out the big news. Sorry I've been bad about getting to post anything. Chad and I had a bet going on what we were having, and I won! :D We are indeed having a little baby GIRL! And, we're pretty excited, well, I think Chad's getting a little nervous about my ribbon store talk. I can't wait to go make some nice purchases to make some cute headbands and bows, he's gonna have to give me a budget :D Doctor said she looks very healthy, and what was interesting about the ultrasound was he looked at her stomach and you could actually see the amniotic fluid that she had swallowed in her stomach. It was kinda interesting. She seems to be pretty strong though, she's kicking and moving quite often and chad started being able to feel her moving about a week and a half ago now. It's been a fun experience so far.