Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Terrible Twos??
We've been leading up to this day for the past several weeks it seems. All the sudden destruction and tears and timeouts become extremly frequent throughout the day. Well, it all began on Saturday. Grandma and Grandpa Andersen came up on Friday night to pick up Chad's brother Ben from EFY and Saturday they came over bearing gifts for Emrie's birthday. She officially turned 2 on Monday, so we did most of the celebrating then. We decided to make her cake Elmo this year, which was fun since she actually kind of understood what was going on. Here's her cake:

Monday morning she woke up to find this trike (thank you Amber and Nathan!) She loves it and rides her "truck" everyday now.
Oma and Opa Kay sent her some Melissa and Doug puzzles which she set off to working on as soon as they were opened.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Molly Nicole Andersen
SHE'S HERE!! Born at 5:23 am Saturday June 4th. Molly Nicole Andersen. She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. She is so tiny!
Well, as you know I had my membranes stripped Thursday morning, but I was sure nothing was happening. I had no consistant contractions Thursday or Friday all day. Just contractions here and there like I'd been having all week anyways. We went to a ward BBQ Friday night and left there at 7 to come home and I told my mom not to expect anything. Well we sat down to watch Dan in Real Life about 8:30 and I start having contractions every 5-7 minutes out of nowhere. They started getting pretty uncomfortable so I decided to ditch the movie at 9:30 and go to bed. Well, they intensified quick and we decided we'd see how long through the night I could make it because of Emrie sleeping. Chad got a little sleep during the ones I could get through alone and then about 12:30 he started helping me and 1:30 I called my visiting teaching companion to come over. They were 3 minutes apart and lasting more than a minute and painful!
We got to the hospital at 2 am and I was dilated to a 6. I got the epidural at 3:30 (which was a very long hour and a half :D) and was checked again and was an 8. At a 9 they called the doctor and he got there about 5, broke my water and said lets get ready to push! So, we started pushing at 5:15 and 2 contractions later she was born at 5:23! Super quick!

I don't know how different they are. Molly does have darker hair (it's a light brown) well what she has anyways. This is Molly below:
This is Emrie as a baby:
The Andersens and my mom came that morning to visit and my mom stayed through the weekend till later this afternoon which was great! Emrie is adjusting. She loves to be close and touch and kiss kiss kiss the baby, but she's also acting up a little bit and pretty emotional.
Well, as you know I had my membranes stripped Thursday morning, but I was sure nothing was happening. I had no consistant contractions Thursday or Friday all day. Just contractions here and there like I'd been having all week anyways. We went to a ward BBQ Friday night and left there at 7 to come home and I told my mom not to expect anything. Well we sat down to watch Dan in Real Life about 8:30 and I start having contractions every 5-7 minutes out of nowhere. They started getting pretty uncomfortable so I decided to ditch the movie at 9:30 and go to bed. Well, they intensified quick and we decided we'd see how long through the night I could make it because of Emrie sleeping. Chad got a little sleep during the ones I could get through alone and then about 12:30 he started helping me and 1:30 I called my visiting teaching companion to come over. They were 3 minutes apart and lasting more than a minute and painful!
We got to the hospital at 2 am and I was dilated to a 6. I got the epidural at 3:30 (which was a very long hour and a half :D) and was checked again and was an 8. At a 9 they called the doctor and he got there about 5, broke my water and said lets get ready to push! So, we started pushing at 5:15 and 2 contractions later she was born at 5:23! Super quick!
I don't know how different they are. Molly does have darker hair (it's a light brown) well what she has anyways. This is Molly below:

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Week 39 Update
Well, I am 4 days from my due date today. The end of this pregnancy has been different from my last one. With Emrie I didn't dialate till due date at 3/4 cm or have any contractions till I actually went into labor. But last Thursday I had contractions all afternoon and evening and was sure it was it, but much to my disappointment and a little bit of relief they never intensified and ended up stopping, so I am still pregnant. I was so ready to have this baby until I actually started with contractions then I was very nervous and decided I didn't want to go into labor, then when it all stopped I was disappointed that I had gone through that much nerves and uncomfort for nothing and would have to do it all over again :D. Such a mixture of emotions.
I had an appointment this morning and I am 3 cm dilated and still 50% efaced. The doctor did strip my membranes as much as possible and with Emrie I had my membranes stripped on a Thursday afternoon and had her Saturday afternoon. So, we'll see if that works again this time around...if so I could have her this weekend! But won't get my hopes up. If not I have an induction scheduled for next Thursday at 7:30.
I know I look beautiful :D ha ha All my shirts are too short to cover my tummy.
By the way, we got out the pack n play, swing, carseat and stuff and Emrie has decided they are her new toys. I have to kick her out of the swing constantly. But she loves swinging her babies. Hopefully she's more used to them once the baby's actually in them and doesn't mess with it as much.
I had an appointment this morning and I am 3 cm dilated and still 50% efaced. The doctor did strip my membranes as much as possible and with Emrie I had my membranes stripped on a Thursday afternoon and had her Saturday afternoon. So, we'll see if that works again this time around...if so I could have her this weekend! But won't get my hopes up. If not I have an induction scheduled for next Thursday at 7:30.
I know I look beautiful :D ha ha All my shirts are too short to cover my tummy.
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